Holy Week Morning Prayer
Pastor Matt will lead a series of informal #HolyWeekMorningPrayer gatherings in his office on Monday through Saturday of Holy Week, March 26-31 at 9am.
You can also join us on Facebook Live via video:
An invitation:
Prayer will be guided by the book
Get a copy of #CommonPrayer – hard copy or Kindle: http://a.co/gP57rPt
A sample of Common Prayer for Holy Week: https://photos.app.goo.gl/vEmfeYSDrwIOhf753
In the final week of the season of Lent, we experience Holy Week: a time to share in Jesus' passion, his death on the cross and the Resurrection of Easter Sunday.
Since many of our leaders will be out of town for spring break, we will not have evening Holy Week Services. You are also encouraged to attend evening Holy Week services at Anniston First UMC and Jacksonville First UMC.