New Leadership Opportunities
The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) is actively recruiting individuals for ministries of discipleship and servant leadership in our church. New opportunities for leadership include, but are not limited to the following roles:
Discipleship Groups & Sunday School Coordinator
Website & Communications Director
Audio/Visual Ministry Director
Church Historian
Church Librarian
Meals on Wheels Coordinator
Nominations and Leadership Development Committee Member, class of 2020.
We are also discerning nominations for our new 2018 Council, which will combine the former Council, Staff-Parish Relations, Trustee and Finance committees (read more on this in the July and June newsletter articles). Members will include the Council Chair & Lay Leader, Staff-Parish Relations & Vice Council Chair, Secretary, Finance Chair, Property Chair, Lay Member to A.C., Worship Ministries Coordinator (UP), Hospitality Ministries Coordinator (IN), Service Ministries Coordinator (OUT), and the Pastor.
If you have questions or are interested in serving the Lord in a new way, or please contact Pastor Matt Headley, NLDC chair, or any of the NLDC team members: Steve Kilgore (Lay Leader), Paul Sefcik, Cindy Kilgore and Jennifer Johnson.