Financial Planning Worksheets
Attached are two financial worksheets that were shared during the service on Sunday, October 14 as part of the "Enough" series message...
2018 Resolutions: Earn, Save & Give
John Wesley, the founder of our Methodist movement, would often lead a "Covenant Renewal Service” on New Year’s Eve (and people actually...
2017 Resolutions: Earn, Save & Give
Happy New Year! As we begin this "Year of our Lord," 2017, many people will be making new year’s resolutions. Some will resolve to begin...
“Financial Peace University” Classes Starting Soon
Coming to Weaver First United Methodist Church on January 29, 2017, FPU is a nine week course designed to help individuals and couples to...
Sanctuary Improvements: Windows, Sound System & Video Screen
The Trustee board enlisted a contractor to install new custom windows throughout our sanctuary. While this work was expected to be...