God's Creative Connection
In June and July we are experiencing a worship series called “God’s Creative Connection,” focusing on stories from the Old Testament book...
Leading in the Garden
Church, I'm filled with gratitude for beginning a third year as your pastor this June. By God’s grace, we've seen awesome transformation...
New Sunday Times
After reviewing survey results on changing times for our Sunday mornings, the Council decided that our new Gathered Worship time will be...
Stepping into the Light
A song has been playing on repeat in my head for the last few weeks. It has moved me to tears, to laughter, to rejoicing every time I...
This is the Life!
Did you "get a life” during Lent? As we conclude the season of Lent, we will witness Jesus’ brutal suffering and death. We will follow...
Raising the Roof: a 20/20 Vision
In 1980 this church was blessed with the completion of the Family Life Center. In those 37 years of operation the FLC has not only been...
Financial Peace Sunday, May 7
On Sunday, May 7, during our 9am worship gathering, we will have a “Financial Peace Sunday,” focused on Dave Ramsey's teaching on...
Sunday Schedule Survey
UPDATE: May 9, 2017 Our survey was completed on Sunday, April 30. Thank you for your prayerful support as we discern what changes to make...
Easter Worship
Join us to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus! Easter Sunday Sunrise: April 16, 6:30 AM at Camp Lee, breakfast following...
Holy Week Worship Schedule
Matt Headley will preach on Monday, April 10 at 12pm in a series of Holy Week worship services at Anniston First UMC. Each Midday service...