Get a Life: The Lenten Call to Discipleship
No offense, but you may need to get a life... Okay, so maybe that is a little offensive. But it’s basically the same statement Jesus made...
Come and See: Jesus. In. Lights.
How did you first encounter Jesus? What difference did that encounter make in your life? What difference is Jesus making in your life...
Jesus. In. Lights. Epiphany Worship Series
Who is Jesus? What did Jesus come to do? What does it mean to "follow" Jesus? In January we begin the season of Epiphany with a series in...
Upside-Down Christmas
Last month my wife Heather began leading an Advent-themed study during the Sunday School hour. The study, entitled “Down to Earth” was...
Advent Worship Series: Begin at the End
"Are we there yet?"–a question many adults hear while traveling with kids for the holidays. For the next four Sundays, join us as we...
Worship Series: The Garden - Our Vision for Growing Disciples
During September and October, we will get a glimpse of the vision God has called us to through a worship series: The Garden: Our Vision...
Worship Series: "Loving Justice” - July 10-August 7
God speaks to his church through two of his prophets, Amos and Hosea, in the Old Testament. Our worship during this series, called...
Worship Series: Proclaim the Kingdom
Below are the sermon texts so you may read them to prepare for gathered worship. June 26 Proclaim the Kingdom: Follow - Luke 9:51-62 ...
Worship Series: Outsiders are In
Jesus blurs the lines between who is "out" and who is "in" in Luke's Gospel. Below are the sermon texts so you may read them to prepare...
April Worship Schedule
Beginning Easter Sunday on March 27, we begin an “Eastertide” Worship series, Living the Way. Below are the sermon texts for this month...