Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat October 31, 2016 Where: Weaver First United Methodist Church In the parking lot of the Family Life Center Come join us...
Call to Prayer: Workers for the Harvest
“The size of the harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send...
New Cub Scouting Ministry Begins
Our Scouting open house on September 12 was a huge success–over 40 boys showed up with their parents to learn about Cub Scouting! While...
Worship Series During October
During October, we will conclude our worship series: The Garden: Our Vision for Growing Disciples. We will have two special Sundays,...
Growing Together (October Newsletter)
Our church vision, growing a garden of disciples, involves the launching of several new ministries to plant, tend and harvest in God’s...